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Custom Creations

Whether it's a birthday, anniversary, holiday, or even just to spoil yourself there is no better way to show you how much you care than with a handmade gift.

Our Creations Team pride themselves in making quality products fit for any budget. We can provide just about anything from hemp / beaded jewelry, and crotched crafts to tie racks and canes / walking sticks

Many of our items come with a lifetime warranty: If they break, through normal wear and tear, we will repair or replace it for free.
Please be aware that you may be required to pay for shipping one or both ways depending on the size of the item

Visit our gallery to see some of our previous creations.

Please do not copy any of the designs you see on this site, without specific approval from one of our Creations Team Members. Many of these items were created to be unique and copying their design would defeat that purpose, and it's just not nice.